custom front doors in toronto

7 Reasons Why You Need to Go Custom for Your Doors

What sets a custom door apart from a prefabricated door?

While you may be able to save a few bucks by choosing a stock door from your local home improvement store, there are many benefits you can enjoy by opting for a custom door instead.

Here are seven of the top reasons why you should go with a set of custom doors for your home or property!

1. Custom doors offer a larger palette of options

When buying a stock door, the reality is that your options are going to be limited and you may have to settle for generic designs, materials, patterns, and colours.

With a custom door, on the other hand, most features are customizable—allowing you to design and install interior doors that better match the rooms in your home and reflect your personality. If you really want to make a first impression, you should definitely go with a custom front door.

2. Custom doors provide the perfect fit

Not all doorframes have the same set of dimensions. Unfortunately, the majority of prefabricated doors are only available in standard sizes.

If you need an exterior or front door that is larger or smaller than the average doorframe—or one that has a peculiar shape—going the route of a custom door will allow you to design a piece that is tailor-made for your doorframe.

3. Custom doors are energy-efficient

Because a custom door is built to the exact dimensions of the frame it will be attached to, it is also likely to fit more snuggly than the average stock door. Not to mention, custom doors can be built using higher quality materials that offer exceptional insulation.

As a result, a custom front door can help prevent drafts. It can even allow you to save money on your energy bill!

4. Custom doors boast exceptional quality

Prefabricated doors are relatively generic and are manufactured quickly in order to keep home improvement stores fully stocked.

Custom doors, on the other hand, are made from scratch with premium materials and top-notch hardware. What’s more, they are designed and built with careful attention to detail and expert craftsmanship.

As door manufacturers in Toronto, we know that a custom door requires keen attention to detail. We work with every client to make sure their custom front doors designs come to life. 

5. Custom doors last longer

Because custom doors boast exceptional quality, they are also more likely to outlive most stock doors. While you may need to replace prefabricated doors every few years, a set of custom doors may last for decades without ever needing to repair or replaced!

6. Custom doors allow you to prioritize

Prefabricated doors largely serve one purpose—allowing you to enter and exit a particular room. With a custom door, on the other hand, you can prioritize design features for a specific application.

If you need a front or back entry door to be secure, for example, you can design your custom door with a state-of-the-art locking mechanism. If you need the best possible insulation, consider a custom exterior door made with materials that limit drafts and temperature fluctuations.

7. Custom doors increase your property’s value

While you’re likely to find that a custom door costs a little more than a prefabricated door, it will pay for itself by increasing the value of your property. With custom doors installed, you can raise your asking price when it comes time to put your home on the market!

Want to enjoy all of the unique benefits that custom doors provide? The team at Traditional Door is here to help. As door manufacturers in Ontario, we are able to offer you quality craftsmanship thanks to our state-of-art door manufacturing facilty. Traditional Door’s designers work with cutting-edge tools to create customized products that are durable, stylish, and beautiful.  Call us today to discuss your next project and receive a quote!